Davie, Florida
+1 (954) 866-1911


Virtual CNS is actively working to help the community, especially people who are really in need of food, shelter, and other basic means to live. As part of the catholic community, we have the responsibility to give to others, to help and assist the ones who are not as fortunate as we are.

The Dialysis Food Foundation

The Dialysis Food Foundation of South Florida as we realized the potential and the great cause of their organization towards the community. We plan to continue this support to this organization every year – Visit their web site dialysisfood.org for more information.

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

Virtual CNS is also actively involved with St.Jude Hospital fundraising events and making donations in a monthly basis to help their cause. We invite you to visit their site and help as much as you can.

Blue Missions Gruop

Recently this month, June 2014, we were invited to an event in Miami organized by Blue Missions, and we were very happy to learn what they do and the impact they bring to the community in Dominic Republic. Virtual CNS will try to get involved as much as possible on helping them as well in their goals. Please visit Blue Missions site for more information.

Virtual CNS are solutions tailored to your needs!

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