Access control for companies has become an indispensable tool. Not only for large companies but also for those with a small staff.
In most cases, small businesses with 10 or more employees already see it as almost an obligation to have this tool. And it is that, access control has become a great ally of employees and managers in the work environment.
Having an access control system for companies is a very valuable solution. Especially when it is difficult to control external visits from customers or suppliers, or prevent unauthorized access to certain areas of the business facilities.
By installing an access control system, you will avoid these situations in a very easy and flexible way. You will increase security in the facilities and control over employees, in terms of logistics, quality processes or schedules.
At Virtual CNS we have access control installation services for companies. You can obtain more information at the following link: Access control system.
Advantages of the access control system for companies.

1. Restrict access to sensitive areas.
One of the main benefits of access control for companies is the possibility of restricting access to sensitive areas. It is particularly useful when the company has different access points.
In these cases, the control systems will allow selecting access to all or certain points, restricting certain areas of interest.
Some of the sensitive areas of unauthorized access may be warehouses, laboratory areas, archives, meeting rooms, among others.
The best thing is that access can be limited in at least 3 ways. Access can be limited by user, perhaps preventing maintenance or secretarial staff from accessing certain spaces.
Access can also be limited by space, preventing access to restricted areas. Lastly, access can also be limited by schedules, preventing access on weekends or at night.
At Virtual CNS we specialize in the security of small and medium-sized companies. Discover all our services in the following link: Managed it services for small businesses.
2. Information of each user.
An access control system for companies also gives us information about each user. You will be able to know the time of entry or exit of the employees, the places of access and more. Similarly, many control systems include alarms and security cameras with which you can obtain valuable information in the event of any inconvenience to the company.
3. Protection.
Of course, protection is one of the main advantages of access control for companies. By having this system, you will protect your business from possible damage or theft. When combined with other security systems, you will shield your business, preventing employees, users or clients from carrying out any irregularity.
Of course, there are many more advantages to having an access control system for companies. It is, without a doubt, one of the best investments you can make in terms of control, access and security. Currently, there are various access control systems, the most relevant being the ones shown below.
Types of access control for companies.

To help with company security, these systems make it easy to deny or allow entry to certain areas or company facilities. There are several types of access control that fit the needs and size of any company or organization. The most efficient and demanded are the following.
Biometric access control. (Presence / Proximity)
It is a very complete access control system and one of the most used today. This type of control is designed to allow access by recognizing the individual’s fingerprints. Similarly, access can also be granted by bringing proximity cards closer together.
On the other hand, another very interesting option of this type of access control for companies is that you can allow access through a keyboard. In this sense, you only have to write the name and password of the user. They are very flexible and adjusted to almost any situation, sending all the data to a centralized system.
Biometric access control. (Keyboard)
It is a very similar access control to the one mentioned above. The difference is that in this case it does not recognize proximity cards. All in all, it is a widely used and efficient system to control access through fingerprints or keyboard. To access, the user will only have to enter their data, that is, their name and password to access.
Access control by facial recognition.
It is one of the most implemented access controls for companies in recent years. It is part of the category of biometric controls. This type of system is capable of detecting the facial characteristics of the individual. They have memory capacity to store hundreds of users, allowing or not access according to their facial features.
Outdoor access control.
The main difference of this access control for companies with respect to the previous ones is that it is designed for the exterior. Basically, it complies with the same functionalities described. Its design facilitates its maintenance, being able to withstand inclement weather.
They are widely used in the entrance areas to the establishment, where fingerprint readers and sensors for facial recognition are very common. The card reader and keyboard are also widely used abroad, where the individual himself can enter his username and password.
Access control using external keyboard.
It is the simplest access control on the list. Basically it is a device that acts as an electronic lock. In this way, it will open when you enter the password that has previously been established. In most cases, it is not designed to generate check-ins or check-outs, so it is better to investigate before implementing it in the company, since it is a much simpler and less sophisticated system.
As you can see, there are several advantages to implementing a control system for companies. You will avoid intrusions by unauthorized personnel, you will protect employees and you will be able to maintain greater control in the facilities.
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