Why should you have cctv cameras in your home or business? It is no secret to anyone that CCTV cameras (closed circuit television) are increasingly necessary for homes and small businesses.
For decades, the number of crimes committed daily in the United States that directly affects businesses and homes has not stopped increasing. This reality has made the security camera system an essential requirement for businesses, especially the small business that is usually more vulnerable.
The reason for this vulnerability is that small companies are exposed to greater risk due to their unorganized processes and their small systems, which are not as secure as the corporate security systems of large companies. On the other hand, Small and Medium Enterprises usually hire teenagers, which is not the problem. What is a problem is that in some cases, due to age or other reasons, they do not have the most appropriate values. In addition to the above, the location of some Small and Medium Enterprises is not the most favorable for business, which leads to theft or other crimes.
In previous years, having a security system with cameras was only a luxury available to large companies. But currently, this has given a radical change, since small businesses and homes can access security systems provided by cctv cameras, which are not only a deterrent, but also allow any irregular event to be recorded with total accuracy.
Due to the relevance that cctv cameras have acquired in recent years, we want to show 9 benefits of this security system for your company or home. Let’s start…
9 Benefits of installing cctv cameras.
1. Avoid robberies in your home or business.

Undoubtedly, one of the main benefits is avoiding theft. And it is that business owners are becoming more aware of protecting themselves and their business from any damage from both external and internal factors.
For example, most small businesses suffer from theft by their own employees, to which must be added external theft by thieves and situations with irritating customers or neighbors. According to studies, more than 33% of large and small businesses go bankrupt as a result of theft by personnel who work in their facilities.
For this reason, by having a closed system of cctv cameras, that blind spot is eliminated, maintaining surveillance of employees and unwanted guests in the business at all times.
Of course, this same advantage is applicable to homes. The difference in this case is that the highest percentage of theft comes from external factors. This security system will make any thief think twice before committing a crime on his property.
2. Crime prevention.

As we have mentioned before, cctv cameras are a great deterrent for those who want to commit a crime in a home, residence or business.
By having a closed circuit camera system, it will let any unwanted individual know that they are being recorded and that their criminal acts will not go unpunished. In fact, these cameras infer an air of danger and presence of the law, which in most cases deters anyone from committing a crime.
3. Collection of evidence.

Cctv cameras deter most people who want to commit a crime. However, some still take risks and this is where they end up being caught on camera.
It is precisely these recordings that become a fundamental tool for collecting evidence and extracting clues. With these tapes, you will be able to know the exact time, identify the perpetrators of the act and facilitate the resolution of crimes by the authorities.
At Virtual CNS we specialize in the security of small and medium-sized companies. Discover all our services in the following link: Managed it services for small businesses.
4. Employee safety.

One of the great benefits of cctv cameras is that they provide personal security in your business. The safety of your employees is essential for the business to function as it should.
The installation of a cctv camera system encourages proper employee behavior, avoiding any inconvenience due to employee violence or unwanted visitors.
To get an idea of the importance of this benefit, it is good to know that approximately 17% of fatal workplace injuries in 2011 in the United States were the result of violence and altercations between employees. This year alone, 780 fatal injuries occurred in the workplace, with all the legal implications for the employers and employees involved.
5. Reduced cost of home insurance.

One of those benefits that few know about having a cctv camera installed is the reduction in the cost of home insurance. The reason is that your home becomes less of a target for criminals, which lowers the risk. All this means that the price of insurance also decreases.
In the same way, in addition to being a minor objective, the installation of a security system with cctv cameras offers clear evidence so that you can make any insurance claim, evidence that you would not have otherwise. Obviously, the more evidence you have to support a claim to your insurance company, the better.
6. Great profitability.

The installation of the cctv camera system is very profitable. And it is that after installing the cameras, their maintenance is very simple, requiring few repairs over time.
For cameras to work well, you have to keep them clean to improve performance. The best thing is that this great security system will keep your business or home facilities safe for years.
7. Monitor private and sensitive areas.

Therefore, the installation of cctv cameras in these sensitive places is a deterrent. This prevents any employee or person from committing a crime in these spaces. A typical sensitive area for small businesses is the cash register, to mention just one example.
8. Improve customer satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction is a top issue for small businesses in the United States. But to guarantee the best customer service, it is necessary that the staff also have these values. This will offer the best treatment to all customers at all times.
Of course, we cannot be 24 hours a day monitoring the treatment of staff to customers. So a cctv camera system will make it easier to monitor remotely, guaranteeing customer satisfaction. If you can’t maintain such vigilance, don’t worry. You will be able to see the recorded tapes. If there is an incident with customers, you will see whether or not there is employee responsibility.
9. Avoid sexual harassment.

Last but not least, one of the benefits of the cctv camera system is to stop sexual harassment in the workplace. And it is that this type of harassment is a very real threat in the workplace, and can lead to significant legal problems for both the employee and the business in general.
The cctv camera system works like eyes in the sky, and they prevent this type of depraved and inappropriate behavior. In the same way, it gives employees a healthy and safe environment to carry out their work.
At Virtual CNS, we offer cctv camera installation services, as well as the support and maintenance of this security system.
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