Network firewall security has grown in importance in recent decades. As the business world has continued to digitize, it has become increasingly imperative for forward-thinking companies to be focused on protecting all of their systems against external threats.
One of the best ways that businesses have managed to achieve this goal, even since the 1980s, is by making use of the famous firewalls. And it is that, the security of the network firewall, has become increasingly necessary, since new viruses and threats appear daily.
Taking the above into account, it is not surprising that as time progresses, the methods with which we protect our business also change. And it is precisely here where firewalls acquire vital value, with new and improved firewalls coming out every year to guarantee cybersecurity.
On this occasion, at Virtual CNS, we want to highlight at least 7 advantages of having good network firewall security, and why you should use a firewall as soon as possible in your company.
5 Network Firewall Security Benefits.

A firewall is basically a security device that seeks to protect the company’s network from any unauthorized access to the private data of the business or the people who are part of the company.
Of course, firewalls not only prevent unauthorized access, but also protect against malicious software by creating a filter or barrier between internal networks and any untrusted external networks. The benefits of network firewall security that you should consider are as follows.
1. Monitor network traffic.

Undoubtedly the main security benefit of the network firewall is the monitoring of network traffic. And it is that in reality, all the benefits associated with the security of a firewall are initially associated with its ability to monitor traffic.
The reason is that all the data that enters and leaves your systems simultaneously creates several opportunities for cyber threats to compromise business operations.
The first benefit is that by monitoring traffic, firewalls use rules to protect the system. If you have computer services, you can manage the protection levels according to the data that passes through the firewall.
2. Prevention of piracy.

Although it is good news that more and more companies are moving to digital operations, unfortunately this trend invites thieves to do the same.
As the years go by, with the increase in criminals hijacking systems and stealing data, the security of network firewalls becomes even more important as they prevent hackers from gaining unauthorized access to this data.
In addition to preventing data from being accessed, they also prevent access to emails, systems, and much more. Simply put, a firewall prevents hacking because it completely stops a hacker and deters him from choosing a much more accessible target.
3. Stop computer virus attacks.

If there is one thing that stops the operations of any small or large business, it is virus attacks. A virus attack can shut down your digital operations very quickly.
Unfortunately, hundreds of thousands of new threats are being developed daily today. So network firewall security is essential to keep your systems healthy.
The most visible benefit of any firewall is its ability to maintain control over entry points. In this way, it seeks to immediately stop any virus attack. And it is that a virus attack on their systems could bring an incredibly high cost.
4. Stops spyware.

In today’s era where everything is data driven, network firewall security is a must to prevent spyware. This malicious software seeks to access and enter your system without you even noticing.
As systems become more robust and complex, the entry points for hackers also increase. And one of the ways hackers get into the system is by using spyware and malware.
They are programs thought and designed to infiltrate your systems, steal data and control your computers or other devices. Firewalls stop these malicious programs, preventing information leaks and very important damage to the business.
5. Guarantees privacy.

Ultimately, the goal of efficient network firewall security is the promotion of privacy. By implementing an effective cybersecurity system, you guarantee to keep your data and that of your customers safe. That creates a privacy environment that users and customers can trust.
As usual, nobody likes to have their data stolen. More when it is very clear that previous measures could have been taken to avoid it. Another of the security advantages of network firewalls is that they are a competitive advantage over other businesses.
And that benefit is even greater when the data handled by the company is more sensitive. If the security of said data is guaranteed. In this sense, that results in a great advantage. A company that guarantees privacy will be far above one that does not.
At Virtual CNS we specialize in the security of small and medium-sized companies. Discover all our services in the following link: Managed it services for small businesses.